Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In Dreams and Reality

In a world of dreams, we can do or be anything we want to be. Sometimes we have to stop and take time out to see the reality of life, and how we feel. 
Human life is very precious to most of us; nothing is as valuable as drawing a breath and feeling the reassuring beat of our hearts. Most of us feel the same about the lives of other creatures, from fellow humans to animals, and this also includes bugs' small lives. 
A majority of us feel sad and even cry when we hear of disasters halfway around the world in which hundreds of people we never knew have perished. This ability to empathize--to identify with the pain of others--is the part that  makes us human. 
Yet there are other people who feel no sorrow or empathy when someone else suffers or dies.  When they want something, the end justifies the means.  Their motivation is usually financial gain or sexual conquest, but sometimes they act out of a need for revenge. If they look back at all on the death of someone who got in their way, it is without regret or guilt.  With those who have no conscience and no empathy, there are no lingering doubts. 
How can we live in a world that has no empathy? It is very hard to understand a person that has none, and those without a conscience. How do we deal with those? 
In some instances, this can be a scary situation, for to those who have no conscience, a human life would be worth more dead than alive. How do we cope with a world gone mad, when human life is without value to another? 
In living in a dream world, where all mankind is the same, every living creature is a living part of our world. Who gives us the right to say who shall live and who shall die. 
I have to Thank God everyday, for giving me a heart and a conscience, to see and to feel and have empathy to my fellow man. To show LOVE, KINDNESS, and CARING to each and ever human being I meet. Sometimes it is me that ends up hurt, but to me that is life to me. I had rather be hurt  myself than to ever hurt another human being, or living creature. 

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